Monday, August 4, 2008

What is a good over the counter soap for acne and acne scar removing

There is a lot of trial and error involved when it comes to treating acne. What works for some might not work for others. What works for the majority, might not work for the select few. This is because each and every person is an individual. Everyone has their own skin type and skin conditions that make their acne condition unique. If each condition is unique, it is only reasonable to conclude that not all acne treatments work for everyone. And this is exactly what has been found. In fact, most people who have acne try several treatment options before they find something that really works.
Physician dispensed products include acne treatment gels, solution pads, oil control gels and antibacterial cleansers. Other products made by Neostrata can be used in conjunction with these acne treatment products, and they may be obtained without a physician's prescription, including toners, moisturizers and cleansers. The Neostrata skin care for acne products that are used on your skin after application like moisturizers and treatment solutions often have sunblock or sunscreen components in them to further protect your skin from another proponent of acne, which is exposure to sunlight's harmful rays.
Acne strikes the young and the old, the clean and the unclean, the rich and the poor...essentially this is a stubborn skin condition that all of us have struggled with. The reasons for developing severe acne are unclear, and while there are many theories to explain the condition there are still many of us left wondering how to treat the scars left behind after the skin finally clears up.
tags: top 10 ways to get rid on acne, how to use proactive acne treatment, acne treatment reviews

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